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A. A comprehensive mission statement has been developed that brings the counseling program into focus and concisely describes the program’s intent and purpose. The mission statement is publicly available and systematically reviewed.

RESPONSE:The Department Mission statement is included in the Student Handbook at is also publically available on the home page of the Department website at  This was revised last and reposted effective 2/2/11 and is reviewed each year. 

B. The program area objectives meet the following requirements:

Reflect current knowledge and projected needs concerning counseling practice in a multicultural and pluralistic society.

RESPONSE:The specific objectives for the school and mental health counseling programs were adopted from the 2009 CACREP Standards.  The overall objectives reflect the adopted mission statement and summarize the research in the field and the beliefs the faculty hold concerning what constitutes effective counselors

Reflect input from all persons involved in the conduct of the program, including program faculty, current and former students, and personnel in cooperating agencies.

RESPONSE:Beyond the faculty involvement listed in one, the department has sought out input from students, graduates, site supervisors and employers.  This feedback consistently reinforced need for focus on counseling skill development, awareness and respect for cultural differences, personal growth and self-awareness, and ethical and legal awareness and competence.  Survey results for the Employer Perception of Learning Survey, the Student Perception of Learning Survey, the Student Perception of Advising Survey, and the Site Supervisor Program Evaluation Survey are linked hereand are available for your review. 

Are directly related to program activities.

RESPONSE:Itemswehave identified as specific objectives of these programs have been measured in coursework throughout the program.  These items are linked to specific CACREP objectives and then to Student Learning Outcomes within these courses.  This is demonstrated in the Standards Matrix linked here.

Are written so they can be evaluated.

RESPONSE:As identifies in II.A.3., each of the student learning outcomes linked to the program objectives are measured within the coursework as shown in the Standards Matrix.  These objectives are first measured in the application/screening process where we assess for counselor characteristics such as cultural awareness.  Then they are assessed in each of the courses the student will take as indicated through the standard matrix.  This includes assessments completed in Practicum and Internship by both faculty and Site Supervisors.  They then are measured through our use of the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam used as our degree comprehensive exit exam. 

C. Students actively identify with the counseling profession by participating in professional organizations and by participating in seminars, workshops, or other activities that contribute to personal and professional growth.

RESPONSE:Information about involvement and opportunities in professional organizations takes place in a number of courses beginning with Professional Orientation and Ethics (COU 813 ).  Additionally, students are encouraged and often have the opportunity to present at state and national conferences with faculty members. 

To enhance graduate education and set the foundation for full participation in the counseling profession, it is strongly recommended that all graduate students become members of the professional organizations or associations, which represent their area(s) of special interest. Because we realize that financial resources are limited, students are not required to become a member of one or more professional organizations. However, membership in a professional organization is an important aspect of professionalism, and therefore, students are strongly encouraged to join one or more of those professional organizations.

Students will be given applications to join the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the Kentucky Counseling Association (KCA) in COU 813.  Applications are also available on each organization’s websites. Most of our faculty are members of numerous professional organizations such as ACA and or KCA. Some hold offices in the professional organizations or are on boards and committees of these organizations.

Students have participated over the last three years in presentations at the Kentucky Counseling Association, Kentucky School Counseling Associationand American Counseling Associationconferences.  Additionally students have had the opportunity to participate in our local chapter of CHI SIGMA IOTA.