School Counseling
Standard B.1
This standard is found met solely based on the evaluation of this item in the formal evaluations used in the practicum and internship. It is not clear how the standard is addressed and assessed in courses.
Response:See the revised syllabi for courses COU 814, COU 880 and COU 881
Standard I.1
It is not clear how this standard is specifically addressed and assessed in cited courses, particularly as that applies to research relevant to the practice of school counseling.
Response: See the revised syllabi for course EPY 869
Standard I.5
It is not clear that this standard is specifically addressed and assessed in cited courses, particularly as that applies to school counseling research.
Response: Seethe revised syllabi for course EPY 869
Standard K.1-3
COU 814, which is the only course cited for this standard, does not include curricular topics or assessments that relate to the standards in this category.
Response: See the revised syllabi for course COU 814
Standard L.l
See comment for Standard K.
Response: See the revised syllabi for coursesCOU 814, COU 880 and COU 881
Standard L.2
This standard does not appear to be addressed or assessed in COU 814. COU 822does not appear to specifically focus on postsecondary options for career development, specifically as that applies to postsecondary education.
Response:See the revised syllabi for courses COU 814, COU 822, COU 880 and COU 881
Standard M.1, 5
COU 814 requires development of a comprehensive school counseling plan that includes parent outreach. This partially but not specifically addresses these standards. It does not appear that family-school community collaboration and parent empowerment are addressed as course topics.
Response:See the revised syllabi for courses COU 814, COU 825and COU 847
Standards A.7, C.3, D.l, 5, E.2, H.l, 4, J.2, L.3, N.l, 0.4-5, P.2
It is not clear how these standards are specifically addressed and assessed in cited courses.
Response: See the revised syllabi for coursesEPY 869, COU 804, COU 813, COU 814, COU 822, COU 825, COU 847, COU 848, COU 880, and COU 881